9495273712 / 9846191435


Current Events

The main activities of KCF are organizing workshops and seminars on subjects related to mental health and counselling.
Our regular programmes are Workshops on:

"Counselling Skills" for school counsellors and teachers.

"Peer Counselling" for students.

Elocution competition for school students in connection with ‘World Mental Health Day’.

"How to face examination with confidence".

Workshop on “Issues and challenges in Old age” in connection with International Day of Elders.


Unarvu- Session for school students and parents on various topics related to mental health

KCF members actively involved to alleviate the sufferings of people affected by different calamities

Class on “Positive Parenting” for the parents of school going students

Visits to orphanages regularly to entertain the inmates


Participation in arts and medicine programme of binnale foundation

"KCF members attend various workshops and seminars related to Counselling"